John Tyner

John Tyner has been a Hartford resident since 1977.  He earned a BA. in Non-Western Studies (History and Russian Literature), Trinity College, Hartford, CT, 1971 and a M.Ed. in Special Education and Early Childhood Education, Lesley College (University), Cambridge, MA, 1975.  Tyner is a teacher and program coordinator, working with special needs children for the last 46 years.  He has made art of various kinds since the late 1960’s: poetry, prints (silk screen, linoleum cut), photography (film and digital), digital media, collage, and more recently, painting with acrylics.  His paintings have been exhibited at:

• AB EX Untitled 2014, ArtSpace Hartford Gallery, July 2014, Hartford CT

• Open Studio Hartford Group Show, ArtSpace Hartford Gallery, November 2014, Hartford CT

• AB EX Untitled 2015, ArtSpace Hartford Gallery, September 2015, Hartford CT

• Open Studio Hartford Group Show, ArtSpace Hartford Gallery, November 2015, Hartford CT